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At a time of so much social upheaval, many people are naturally questioning the relevance of many cultural traditions. So let’s use this opportunity to discover how timeless stories from other cultures have enriched and influenced our society.
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New Paperback
First Music
When the animals get together in the jungle, they discover that the noise they have been making is indeed music. Celebrated author and master storyteller Dylan Pritchett weaves a tale that helps us discover that all of us have music inside just waiting to come out when the time is right. This original award-winning story is based on the model of traditional African folktales.
New Paperback
Holy Mole'!
When the Spanish Viceroy announces a surprise visit to a Mexican monastery, the cooks scramble to prepare a fine meal. Carlos tries to stay out of the way but his curiosity gets the best of him, leading to a crisis, that is followed by what the brothers can only assume is a miracle. This whimsical story, inspired by the Mexican folk tradition, explains the origins of molé, the popular national dish that combines chocolate with turkey, spices, and nuts.